From our existing industrial park and move in ready buildings to being in the heart of Mississippi’s workforce with young college graduates and a skillful workforce, relocating to The Choctaw County Partnership area of Mississippi has definite advantages for any industry.

This area of the state has a rich history in the timber, agriculture, coal, and manufacturing industries. We are home to a lignite power plant and two natural gas plants, which supply power to multiple utilities in and outside of our state.

In the past few years, we have welcomed three new industrial tenants, creating some 100+ jobs. And we remain committed to growing our local industries and welcoming new businesses into the region

Choctaw County is rated first in the state of Mississippi for providing the best value in public education. The county not only leads the state in education, but also has low property taxes. These factors, along with a top ten low crime rating in the state, make Choctaw County one of the best places to live and work.

Beautiful home sites and other amenities are attracting residents to Choctaw County. We are home to Choctaw Regional Medical Center, the Choctaw Nursing and Rehabilitation Center, and several healthcare clinics. Additionally, nearby Webster County has North Mississippi Medical Center.

For educational assistance, Choctaw County offers the Sumners Grant to all local high school graduates. Eligible high school graduates can attend college on the Sumners Grant paying for their tuition at five different colleges within the state. And Choctaw County is just a short drive from Mississippi State University, one of the nation’s leading research universities.